Why you Should Use a Personal Kanban app to Easily Track Tasks, Even at Home!

According to a study, 80 percent of individuals experience stress at work, with workloads and family responsibilities being the two most common sources of stress at work. You may save time, increase efficiency, and minimize the sense of being overwhelmed by adapting classic Kanban to a personal Kanban and business to-do lists. I use Kanban all the time for my …

workplace, workspace, home office

Why You Need a Home Wiki Right Now

Home is one of the places that we think are meant only for relaxation and there is nothing wrong if it is chaotic. Wrong! We need to be as organized as we are at our workplaces to help it function smoothly. One of the ways by which you could easily make it more organized is utilizing a home wiki. A …

A Geek’s Portal to Their Network: Zabbix Monitoring!

As a Homelabber myself, I want to know what is going on with my network at all times. It is a little overkill, but I have set up a free application that lets me do just that: Zabbix. Zabbix Monitoring is a network monitoring software that enables you to keep a close eye on all network activity. The application is …

Why Life is easier with a Smart Home

Smart homes are all the buzz now a days. Life is easier with a smart home, it is a fact. Whether it is allowing your home to do the monotonous tasks you don’t want to, or the ability to be more mindful of your life, smart homes are very great. Needless to mention that heating and electricity savings of up …