Why Life is easier with a Smart Home

Smart homes are all the buzz now a days. Life is easier with a smart home, it is a fact. Whether it is allowing your home to do the monotonous tasks you don’t want to, or the ability to be more mindful of your life, smart homes are very great. Needless to mention that heating and electricity savings of up …

The Top 10 Trends in Technology in September 2021

According to reports from various standard platforms and organizations, the year 2020 has paved the way for various technological transformations in the coming years as a result of the global Coronavirus outbreak and its impact on businesses and lives – and eventually, the year 2021 is expected to show us a significant impact on technological advancements and their implementation – …

the internet is broken

Honey, Why is the internet broken again?

Why is the internet Broken? It is something we have all asked. Whether in frustration or agony over missed deadlines, assignments, or calls, the internet breaking seems to be a normal part of life now a days. Because of the unusual emergency caused by the coronavirus, we are forced to stay at home: network connections take center stage, and it …

What are Non Fungible Tokens and Why Would I buy one?

NFTs or “Non Fungible Tokens” seem to be all the rage these days! In this article, I hope to answer what are Non Fungible Tokens and why one would consider buying one.  As a DevOps engineer, I am always looking for new applications of technology, especially the blockchain.  What are Non Fungible Tokens: The term “NFT” explained NFT is an …