A Geek’s Portal to Their Network: Zabbix Monitoring!

As a Homelabber myself, I want to know what is going on with my network at all times. It is a little overkill, but I have set up a free application that lets me do just that: Zabbix. Zabbix Monitoring is a network monitoring software that enables you to keep a close eye on all network activity. The application is …

What to Do if Your Facebook Account is Hacked?

Let’s talk about being “hacked”. Working in Cybersecurity, I may know a thing or two about being hacked and hacks in general. In this article, I hope to demystify what to do if your Facebook account is hacked. Every time a user’s account is compromised, the term “hacked” is thrown about (rather loosely, to be honest), and it has become …

incognito mode start page

Why Incognito Mode Doesn’t Really Make you Incognito

In most browser applications, there is a menu option that appears to allow you to surf the Internet in a more “private” manner. This is known as “incognito mode” in Google Chrome, “private window” in Firefox and Safari, and “InPrivate window” in Edge. In actuality, the privacy implied by this is not provided. As a result, a class action lawsuit …