Embracing DevOps for Successful and Efficient IoT Projects

Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, enabling seamless connectivity and automation across various industries. However, developing and managing IoT projects can be complex and challenging due to the diverse hardware and software components involved. This …

network cable, rj45, patch

Why Internet Service Providers are Misleading in their Commercials

When you purchase a new automobile, a sticker on the window informs you of the vehicle’s fuel economy in miles per gallon. Although it is not a perfect safeguard, it ensures that automakers cannot just make outrageously exaggerated mileage claims since the United States Department of Transportation inspects these claims. The fact is that when Internet service providers (ISPs) promote …

woman with computer with update screen

How to Stay on Top of Releases and Deprecation of Enterprise and Open Source Software

If you have one or more proprietary software programs installed on your business’ computers, you will most likely be interrupted from time to time by software update reminders. They can be aggravating, especially if they appear when you are preoccupied with something important. It’s tempting to forego software updates and just keep working, but is this the best option? In …

industry, industry 4, web

What are IOT Devices and The IOT Security Implications?

The internet of things (IoT) has evolved so rapidly that the development of IOT security has had to catch up. I am a huge Home Automation fan, and IOT is such a huge trend now a days that we need to understand what the implications of these devices permeating society will cause. This article is meant to address the basics …

Why Life is easier with a Smart Home

Smart homes are all the buzz now a days. Life is easier with a smart home, it is a fact. Whether it is allowing your home to do the monotonous tasks you don’t want to, or the ability to be more mindful of your life, smart homes are very great. Needless to mention that heating and electricity savings of up …